September Update

Jesus, Our Intercessor!

I am the way, the truth and the life; no one can come to the Father except through me. John 14:6 

Dear Prayer Warriors,

Isn’t it wonderful to know that as sinful human beings, we have the humble right to come before our Holy and Almighty God as our Friend and heavenly Father because of Jesus’ intercession for us! His death on the cross for us is a finished work, yet not all of Christ’s work is finished because he continues to make intercession for us in heaven. Jesus Christ is able to be our go-between who can speak to God on our behalf. We can then “draw near to God through him, because he always lives to make intercession for them" (Hebrews 7:25). We can thank Him for many blessings, ask Him for help and support, and to support us on every leaning side! Let us lean on Him as He intercedes on our behalf for the Palau team!


Malawi | The “Love Malawi Festival” Aug 20-21 did an amazing work of God by reaching thousands with the Gospel in the prisons, eye glass clinics, refugee camps and dinners with women and business leaders. Andrew Palau shared a message of hope, unity and love in God’s Word, sharing Jeremiah 29:7 “Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” John Andrus has put together a great overview and video report of the work in Malawi.

Watch video now > > >


Honduras | September 24-25 |  Luis is involved in a major outreach in Tegucigalpa. A national government recognized day and significant opportunity in the national stadium to celebrate the Day of the Bible!

Campana and Zarate, Argentina | November | Andrew & Wendy

Buenos Aires, Argentina | November 28-29 | Andrew & Luis

Chaco, Paraguay | November 30 - December 3 | Luis

China | December | Andrew

Fresno, California | March 2017 | Andrew & Luis

Regional Reports

Please open the below reports for more prayer requests:

Caribbean | Debbie Jamison, Glenda Kraus | Report > > >

North America | Vicky Burgess, Michelle Palau | Report > > >

Africa | Gita Santangelo, Kheri Schaar | Report > > >

Central & South America | Sheri Lozano, Janet Cabascango | Report > > >

Asia | Connie Luebke, Gail Link | Report > > >

Europe | Caryn Ogle, Kim Grimberg | Report > > >


Forward this email to your praying friends and invite them to join us! They can sign up at to receive future emails and prayer requests. If it helps, print out the requests and keep them in a spot where you’ll remember to pray (it helps me)!

Thank you for praying for Luis and Andrew and the team as they minister around the world to transform lives for eternity in Jesus! Let’s ask Jesus to intercede for us as we lean on Him in lifting up the Palau ministry through our prayers!

Leaning on Jesus,

Gail Stockamp

"Christ Jesus who died--more than that, who was raised to life--is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us."  Romans 8:34